What we do
We test 6,000+ travelers who arrive in the United States from 135 different countries approximately 1,400 flights every week for COVID-19 and various multipathogens. Our tests are comprised of:

Nasal swabs: Tests are taken on a voluntary basis and the results are sent to a laboratory for PCR testing. Positive samples undergo genomic sequencing, a process that helps identify genetic material found in a virus (such as COVID-19), detect new variants and trends early on, and fill in gaps in global genomic surveillance. Since November 2021, we’ve tested more than 340,000 participants—and that number continues to grow.

Wastewater testing: In June 2023, we began testing wastewater on international flights arriving at JFK International Airport in New York City for pathogens. This arm of the program is currently under expansion.
Stay tuned... In addition to nasal swabs and wastewater testing, we're exploring other biosurveillance methods that we hope to implement in the near future.
What we’ve done
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, XpresCheck established COVID-19 testing facilities in 15 airports locations across the United States. Over the course of 3+ years, we tested more than 200,000 people for COVID-19. As the spread of COVID-19 slowed, and travel restrictions were lifted, we transitioned our efforts to the US CDC Traveler-Based Genomic Surveillance (TGS) Program. Our mission has always been to help keep people safe and protected.

Where we’re located
Keep an eye out for additional airport locations set to open soon.